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Developing a Digital Economy Skills Action Plan: Invitation to Employer and Stakeholder Workshops

Digital skills are essential skills for the Scottish economy and for employers operating in it. It is crucial
that employers can access the range digital skills that they need.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is working with ekosgen to develop a Digital Economy Skills Action
Plan (DESAP). Recognising that the need for digital skills cuts across all sectors, the DESAP will take
a whole economy approach, examining commonality in the digital economy skills requirements across

We are looking at skills in three segments:

  • Digital skills that employees need to enable them to do their jobs, as employers adopt more digital technology. Currently referred to as Digital Enablement Skills.
  • Non-tech roles that require an increasing amount of digital tech skills. Currently referred to as Hybrid Digital Tech Professionals
  • Specialist digital tech professions that require for specific skills for example data analytics and software engineering. Currently referred to as Digital Tech Professionals

The DESAP must reflect the experiences and needs of employers and so we are looking to gather
insights from a wide range of businesses and stakeholders in Scotland through workshops and surveys.

SDS and ekosgen are holding a series of workshops covering the three skills segments. Thinking about
your workforce and areas of interest, please register your interest in the workshops that you would like
to participate in, and if there is more than one, indicate the priority. We will do our best to accommodate
all requests and priorities. However, if any workshops are over-subscribed, we may allocate places to
ensure maximum participation in the research and offer alternative routes for employers to contribute
and have their voice heard.

If you would like to take part in a workshop, please follow this link to provide your contact details
and indicate the workshop or workshops you feel best reflects your workforce and skills needs, using
the ranking function to indicate those that you are most interested in attending.

Workshop dates

Workshop 1 – will primarily focus on Digital Enablement Skills

  • Wednesday 2nd February 10am-11.30am
  • Thursday 10th February

Workshop 2 – will primarily focus on Hybrid Digital Tech Professionals

  • Thursday 3rd February 10am.-11.30am.
  • Wednesday 9th February 2pm-3.30pm

Workshop 3 – will primarily focus on Digital Tech Professionals

  • Thursday 3rd February 2pm-3.30pm
  • Tuesday 8th February 10am-11.30am
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