january, 2020
30jan9:00 am12:30 pmEvent OverFeaturedCluster Launch: Business opportunities in cyber and data

Event Details
Join us on Thursday 30th January as we host our inaugural event for companies working in cyber and data across Scotland. We'll look at specific opportunities for
Event Details
Join us on Thursday 30th January as we host our inaugural event for companies working in cyber and data across Scotland.
We’ll look at specific opportunities for cross sector collaboration with FinTech Scotland, Mobility as a Service Scotland and more.
Judith Millar who facilitates the development of Northern Ireland’s cyber security cluster will open the event giving her experience of clusters, how they have impacted the economic landscape and the businesses who are active participants. An Innovation Partner from the Defence and Security Accelerator will discuss funding options that can be sought though DASA and give details of an open call for any idea which could have defence end use.
You’ll hear insights into developments within cyber and data, key drivers of the economy and have the opportunity to discuss how the sectors can contribute to the digital transformation of Scotland’s economy and society and further develop our international standing.
9:00 – 9:20 – Arrival and registration
9.20 – 9:40 – Welcome and Scene Setting
9:40 – 10:00 – Judith Millar, NI Cyber
10:00 – 10.15 – Stephen Ingledew, Fintech Scotland
10:15 – 10:30 – Ally McInroy, MaaS Scotland
10:30 – 10:45 – Coffee
10:50 – 11:05 – Rhona MacLennan, The Data Lab
11:05 – 11:30 – Keith O’Donnell, Morgan Stanley
11:30 – 12:00 – Innovation Lead, Defence and Security Accelerator
12:00 – 12.20 – Katy Winterborn, NCC
12:20 – 12:30 – Close
12:30 – Lunch and networking
(Thursday) 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Carlton Hotel
19 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1SD
ScotlandISScotlandIS builds, shapes and supports the digital technologies ecosystem.info@scotlandis.com Oracle Campus, Blackness Road, Linlithgow, EH49 7LR
Ticket Section Title
Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!