march, 2020
18mar11:00 am12:00 pmHow the tech sector can help, and some handy advice for companies

Event Details
Times like these are unprecedented, however we know our industry is resilient, adaptable and ahead of the curve in many respects, so we're asking 'what can Scottish tech do for
Event Details
Times like these are unprecedented, however we know our industry is resilient, adaptable and ahead of the curve in many respects, so we’re asking ‘what can Scottish tech do for the wider economy?’
Jane Morrison-Ross, CEO of ScotlandIS will set the scene, giving an overview of the current situation as we know it. She’ll detail some of the initiatives and plans that ScotlandIS are already working on to grow the sector and to support the industry through the current situation
Callum Sinclair, Partner and Head of Technology & Commercial at Burness Paull and ScotlandIS Board member, will give an overview of the legal situation for companies right now – force majeure clauses, the legal risks of giving product for free, health and safety considerations and legal risks to employers.
Ian Pilbeam of HR Dept will discuss the various company issues that may arise through increased home working, staff sickness and anxiety, and singpost you to some of the best resources out there – particularly useful for smaller companies without an in-house HR team.
Graeme Gordon, CEO of IFB and ex Chair of ScotlandIS will be give top tips for remote working – as we know many in our sector already do, but not everyone has their whole team remote every day. What are the challenges, how can you mitigate them and how do you still keep your team happy, functioning and most importantly, productive.
We’ll then open the floor to questions and suggestions on how the sector can come together to help all Scottish business and create a roadmap that ScotlandIS, with it members, will work to, to share knowledge, learning, product and skills to ensure the Scottish economy stays ahead of the curve where it can.
We’ve already had some of our great companies offering their services for free in the short term to the business community – but what more can we do?
Join us at 11am on Wed 18th – online of course – and find out what we’re doing, how we can help you and how you can help.
(Wednesday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
ScotlandISScotlandIS builds, shapes and supports the digital technologies Oracle Campus, Blackness Road, Linlithgow, EH49 7LR