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Clima – new insights from IGS, the vertical farming specialists

In recent months, the dual challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have brought food security and food miles into sharp relief.  Governments across the world are now working to address food resilience and sustainability; food processors are looking to reduce their carbon footprint,  chefs and restaurateurs are seeking reliable local growers of seasonal produce and new trends such as plant-based diets are disrupting more traditional markets. Add developments in agritech into the mix,  and this is a fascinating time for farming and food production. 

In the new Clima series, the team at IGS have sought out industry leaders to share their insights and expertise to highlight opportunities, challenges and new developments that will shape the future of this most essential of sectors.  Clima is available in both podcast and magazine format – the first podcast can be found on Spotify here or on your favourite podcast store, the magazine edition is here and you can subscribe to further editions here .  

We hope you will find Clima informative and thought provoking, and I know colleagues at IGS would very much welcome your feedback and comments. 

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