february, 2024

Event Details
Join ScotlandIS and CyberSafe Scotland this Safer Internet Day for a candid discussion on Online Safety for children. Safer
Event Details
Join ScotlandIS and CyberSafe Scotland this Safer Internet Day for a candid discussion on Online Safety for children.
Safer Internet Day is held every February in over 170 different countries. The goal of Safer Internet Day is to call on people across the world to work together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, but especially for young people. In the UK, the UK Safer Internet Centre run a campaign especially for the day which aims to start a national conversation about using technology safely and positively.
In this informal online session, we’ll explore practical approaches to engage with your kids around staying safe online. Your perspective is vital in navigating the complexities of the digital landscape. Be part of the conversation, share your insights, learn more, and contribute to fostering a safer online environment. Your involvement matters in shaping a more secure digital future for our children.
Join us and play a role in the dialogue this Safer Internet Day.
About CyberSafe Scotland
Cybersafe Scotland provide support for children and young people with online safety, through their multi-agency team – and targeted support where children have experienced online harassment and abuse. Listening to the children and understanding their experiences online, before developing the tools to help them, is at the heart of their work. They are excited to share parts of their learning and add your voices to the conversation.
(Tuesday) 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm GMT
ScotlandISScotlandIS builds, shapes and supports the digital technologies ecosystem.info@scotlandis.com Oracle Campus, Blackness Road, Linlithgow, EH49 7LR
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