october, 2021

Event Details
As Scotland became more reliant on technology during the pandemic, with digital and online solutions underpinning the way we work, learn, shop, and socialise, the digital divide also grew. In
Event Details
As Scotland became more reliant on technology during the pandemic, with digital and online solutions underpinning the way we work, learn, shop, and socialise, the digital divide also grew. In light of this, the Scottish Government has put inclusion and participation at the heart of its new Digital Strategy.
It is vital that all elements of society have the means to thrive online. Join Nobody Left Behind (19 October) to examine the Scottish Government’s proposals and discuss what can be done to reduce inequalities and bridge the digital divide.
Why Attend?
- Learn lessons from grassroots initiatives in Scotland and further afield, on how they
have developed projects for tackling digital exclusion and increasing participation - Hear from representatives of groups affected by exclusion as they discuss changes
that would improve digital inclusion - Join key stakeholders in assessing the impact of COVID-19 on digital exclusion
- Digital exclusion is typically a result of a lack of skills, equipment, or connectivity.
We’ll examine each of these in detail, with access to the latest thinking on how they can be overcome at a societal level.
Confirmed Speakers
- Pamela Tulloch, CEO, Scottish Library and Information Council
- Michael McLaughlin, HACT Social Impact Lead, SFHA
- Aaron Slater, Digital Participation Project Manager, SCVO
- Meg Thomas, Head of Policy & Participation, Includem
- Chaired by Iqbal Bedi, Consulting Director, Intelligens Consulting
The agenda is updated regularly, so please visit the website to see the latest line-up.
(Tuesday) 10:00 am - 3:00 pm BST