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Five essential job skills for a digital Scotland

It is expected that job growth in Scotland will be particularly concentrated in areas such as software development, software engineering and web development. Particular essential skill was Java. There has already been a 50 per cent increase in demand for software professionals over the last ten years.


Claire Gillespie, ICT and Digital Technologies Sector Skills Manager explains that data analysis, data organisation and skills to interpret ‘big data’ are high up on the list of employers requirements. She explains: “Employers in the digital technology sector are looking for people with a wide range of abilities such as maths, problem solving and analytical skills.

“There is still a demand from businesses for people with traditional programming skills, but they are also increasingly looking for people to fill emerging areas like data science.

“For example, they need people who can analyse lots of data and make it meaningful for the company. Equally the more data we have available, the more that security becomes important so these areas go hand in hand.”


In order to build and facilitate a high performing digital economy, possessing skills in coding is going to become increasingly desired. Gaining coding skills gives individuals the ability build websites and see them go live. In order to overcome the shortage of around 11,000 digital skilled professionals, academies like CodeClan have been set up to prepare people for the future.

Having skills in HTML can also help with other aspects of online such as blogging on sites such as WordPress or Blogger.


According to Forbes, online success boils down to one key skill – copywriting. Copywriting is the art of writing persuasively and convincing the audience to see something your way. The vast majority of the internet comes in text form and is largely persuasive. Writing effective copy can be difference between a successful and an unsuccessful website.


In the wake of recent security hacks, it’s likely that cyber security will become even more of a priority over the next five years. Cyber security skills are desirable for most businesses as it can enable them to manage cyber risk effectively, reducing the financial cost to the company and protect them from cyber crime and increase consumer confidence. Demand of graduate-level information security workers is expected to within the next decade.

Source : The Scotsman 

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